RZ23.06.01 |
To rezone 14721 Lawyers Road from Union County Zoning, Residential 20 (R-20) to Stallings Zoning, Mixed Use 2 (MU-2). |
Union County R-20 |
MU-2 |
Denied by Town Council on August 14, 2023. |
Rezoning Location |
TX23.05.02 |
To add text to Article 10.1-21, stating that automobile repair shops, body shops, and garages are not allowed as a home occupation.
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council on July 10, 2023. |
TX23.05.01 |
To allow for the use of Emergency Disaster Restoration Services with Fenced Outdoor Storage in the MU-2, C-74, BC, and IND zoning districts. |
N/A |
N/A |
Planning Board recommended approval on May 16th.
Approved by Town Council on June 26th.
TX23.04.02 |
To allow General Contractor’s Office with fenced outdoor storage into the US-74 Commercial (C-74) zoning district with Outdoor Storage supplemental regulations (S10.1-36). |
N/A |
N/A |
Planning Board recommended approval on April 18th.
Approved by Town Council on May 22nd.
TX23.04.01 |
To allow the use of biltong, jerky, and similar meat production, and distribution into the Industrial (IND) zoning district. |
Planning Board recommended approval on April 18th.
Approved by Town Council on May 22nd.
TX23.03.01 |
To amend Article 9.8-3 (B) (1.) (e.) to allow for trailers and portable offices for the housing of on-site staff management if the trailers are at least 50’ from the property lines and the lot is at least 5 acres or greater in size. |
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council on April 24th.
Planning Board recommended approval on March 21st with two conditions.
1. A type D 5-foot landscape buffer is implemented on the perimeter of the site.
2. Ensure the trailers are in harmony with the surrounding area.
TX23.02.01 |
To amend Article 2.10-2 Accessory Structures located in Setback to implement limitations on the size and quantity of accessory structures in the Town of Stallings. |
The item was withdrawn on April 24th.
Planning Board recommended approval on March 21st.
TX23.03.02 |
To require conditional zoning (CZ) for Single-Family residential uses in the Mixed-Use 1 & 2 Zoning Districts. |
Approved by Town Council on April 11th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX23.01.02 |
This text amendment will allow breweries with or without beverage sales into the Industrial (IND), Business Center (BC) and Town Center (TC) zoning districts. |
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council on February 27th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX23.01.01 |
This amendment to Article 11.6-1 Buffering and Screening of Different Districts will allow the Development Administrator the authority to require a buffer for new development adjacent to existing residential. |
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council on February 27th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
RZ22.09.02 |
Dr. Sergey Denisovich has submitted a general rezoning request for Single-Family Residential 1 (SFR-1) to Mixed-Use 2 (MU-2) at the location of parcel ID #07054003F, a property of 7.98 acres on Stevens Mill Rd near the Stevens Mill Crossing shopping center. |
SFR-1 |
MU-2 |
Approved by Town Council on Janurary 9th.
Planning Board recommended approval.
Rezoning Location |
RZ22.09.01 |
SMB of Greenville II LLC submitted a general rezoning request from Mixed-Use 2 (MU-2) to Business Center (BC) for seven parcels they own on Bleinheim Lane. |
MU-2 |
BC |
Approved by Town Council decision on 10-28-2022.
Planning Board recommended approval.
Rezoning Location |
East Coast Granite
East Coast Granite of Charlotte has submitted a conditional zoning request CZ22.08.01 for parcels #07105006A and #07105006E at 13606 East Independence Blvd to allow granite manufacturing and cabinetry production/painting. |
CZ & C-74 |
CZ |
Approved by Town Council
Planning Board recommended approval.
Site Plan |
RZ22.05.01 |
Epcon Communities proposes to rezone 53.59 acres, parcels, 07033004, 07033005, and 07033003 from Union County Zoning Residential R-20 to Stallings Zoning Multi-Family Transitional (MFT) and rezone 07033008B-01 from Single-Family Residential 1 (SFR-1) to MFT. |
Union County Zoning Residential R-20
Single-Family Residential 1 (SFR-1)
Stallings Zoning Multi-Family Transitional (MFT) |
Approved by Town Council
Planning Board recommended approval.
Rezoning Location |
TX22.08.01 |
Epcon Communities proposes to amend the Stallings Development Ordinance to replace Article 9, Section 9.2-2(A)(7). |
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX22.07.02 |
Development Agreement Amendments to Articles 7.15-1 (B), 8.4-6(B), and 8.5-1(B) to make the process better suited for the Town of Stallings and the developer. |
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council
Planning Board recommended approval.
TX22.07.01 |
Conditional Zoning Amendments for Articles 5.4-3, 5.4-4, 8.2 and 8.3 |
N/A |
N/A |
Approved by Town Council
Planning Board recommended approval.
RZ22.07.01 |
2125 Stallings, Rd, PID: 7099002 |
MU-2 |
SFR-1 |
Approved by Town Council
Planning Board recommended approval.
Rezoning Location |