Stallings Maps

Provided below are several mapping products managed by the Town of Stallings. Please note that these maps should be used for planning purposes only. They are updated regularly, but may contain out of date information.

Downloadable GIS Data

Online Interactive Maps

Static Maps

Zoning Map

Future Land Use Map

The Zoning Map displays the several zoning districts present in the Town of Stallings. Each district fosters different types of either residential or commercial growth or both depending on the district. These districts were created in accordance with the goals in our Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The map is updated after every rezoning that is approved by the Town Council.  The Future Land Use map displays the different place type districts in Town for the different types of future growth the Town desires to have. These place types are based on the ones depicted in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. For example, these place types specify where the Town would like for a single-family neighborhood or a suburban office center to be built. The Small Area Plans are also displayed on the map. This map is updated after every rezoning that is approved by the Town Council.   

Neighborhoods Map

Council Districts Map

This map displays all residential neighborhoods in the Town of Stallings. The map above lays out the different Town Council voting districts of the Town of Stallings. 

Powell Bill Map

Town Owned Parcels Map

The Powell Bill map is updated once per fiscal year and depicts all of the Private, Town-owned, and State-owned roads within Stallings municipal limits. The map above displays all of the parcels of land that are owned by the Town of Stallings. 


New Development Map


Energy Provider Map

This map displays the progress of projects that have been recently approved or are under construction.

This map displays which energy company provides power to different parcels within the town. *Note that all parcels not served by Union Power are assumed to be served by Duke Energy.


Interactive Maps

Union County GoMaps

Union County Urban Tree Canopy